Helping leaders cultivate a cohesive, multigenerational workplace by reimagining talent development.

Keynote Speaker & Coach


 Helping leaders cultivate a cohesive, multigenerational workplace by reimagining talent development.


Create a cohesive multi-generational workplace by reimagining talent development

What do Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z have in common?

They work together in the same companies.

But the way they work and what they expect from their employers is different, so conscious leaders cannot approach talent development the same way.

It’s hard to recruit talent in today’s world due to disruption and disengagement, and harder yet to retain employees. With only 33% of employees engaged, it’s clear that the way we’ve been working isn’t working.

So we must reimagine our approach to talent development and give leaders tools to meet the evolving needs of a multigenerational workplace and improve how each generation works together.

Workplace of the Future

The highly engaged workplace of the future excels in three ways:

  • Collaboration
    Fostering a conscious centric, inclusive workplace focused on collective goals
  • Innovation
    Cultivating a growth mindset where taking risk and challenging the status quo in support of the greater good is encouraged and celebrated
  • Growth
    Promoting personal growth translates to higher performing individuals and teams that increase profitability

Workplace of the Future

The highly engaged workplace of the future excels in three ways:

  • Collaboration
    Fostering a conscious centric, inclusive workplace focused on collective goals
  • Innovation
    Cultivating a growth mindset where taking risk and challenging the status quo in support of the greater good is encouraged and celebrated
  • Growth
    Promoting personal growth translates to higher performing individuals and teams that increase profitability

Our Approach: The Conscious Leadership Journey™

Using an evidence-based approach that blends introducing new concepts with behavior transformation, we help clients develop new leadership skills and achieve lasting change—individually and at an organizational level.

Without identifying the underlying causes of behaviors, most changes are superficial and short-lived. To create profound, sustainable success, we target issues at their core, focusing on cultivating self-awareness to help individuals uncover their blindspots and see

  • How they show up.
  • Who they are being.
  • Why they have unproductive. behaviors.
  • What changes they need to make.

Inspired by the word "poca", which means "small" in Spanish, The POCA Model centers on recognizing the importance of small steps in creating transformational change.


Taking those small steps in alignment with who we want to be is what allows for a different result. You only need to take the next step.


Cultivating the mindset shift “to slow down to speed up.” This is about getting off the hamster wheel of being reactive (putting out fires) to creating the space to reflect & think critically. This also allows the space for self-awareness to develop.


Intentionally design the desired outcome through new beliefs, shifts in our body and different behaviors. This is where alignment occurs when you consciously create who you want to be rather than defaulted to your autopilot, unconscious habits


In this stage, we are becoming the observer of our Generational Conditioning which shows up as the unconscious 3Bs (our beliefs, our body and our behaviors). We move from being on an unconscious loop of repeating patterns and starting to see new possibilities.


Cultivating the mindset shift “to slow down to speed up.” This is about getting off the hamster wheel of being reactive (putting out fires) to creating the space to reflect & think critically. This also allows the space for self-awareness to develop.


In this stage, we are becoming the observer of our Generational Conditioning which shows up as the unconscious 3Bs (our beliefs, our body and our behaviors). We move from being on an unconscious loop of repeating patterns and starting to see new possibilities.


intentionally design the desired outcome through new beliefs, shifts in our body and different behaviors. This is where alignment occurs when you consciously create who you want to be rather than defaulted to your autopilot, unconscious habits


Taking those small steps in alignment with who we want to be is what allows for a different result. You only need to take the next step.



Keynotes & Breakout sessions


Academies, Workshops, Retreats


Individual & Team



"Through our partnership with Carolina in designing and implementing our Leadership Academy for senior leaders and middle managers, we have experienced tangible results with our people and our organization. We have a deeper sense of awareness that has elevated how we do everything, from our communication to our teamwork to how we engage with those we serve. “

Mike Terzian
CEO, Foothill Credit Union

"Carolina has been working with the Port of San Diego since 2019 as a trainer for our flagship Leadership Academy, as an executive coach and as a team coach for our executive team. We value her thought partnership and the contributions she continues to make to the organization."

Elba Gomez
Chief Adminstration Officer, Port of San Diego

"We have been working with Carolina on a leadership academy for our executive team and our staff that has been heightening our self-awareness, strengthening our competencies in the diversity, equity and inclusion space and building a better culture for our organization. We are excited about the work and the engagement we've been experiencing as a result."

Stephan Tucker

General Manager, Water Replenishment District (WRD)


"Carolina has facilitated leadership development programming at Pasadena City College since 2022. Through her expansive knowledge related to organizations, leadership, communication, and DEI, and her unique capacity for facilitating group learning, Carolina has helped our leaders think about their practice from new angles and enhance their skillsets in meaningful ways. We are so appreciative of her contributions and the authenticity she brings to this work."

Jason Robinson
Director of Professional and Organizational Development, Pasadena City College



Conscious Leadership Partners, founded by Carolina Caro, is on a mission to develop conscious leaders and inclusive workplaces through training, coaching and speaking

[email protected]
Pasadena, CA 91104